One Water Solutions
Water is an integral part of our ecosystem. Effectively managing this finite resource to maximize socio-economic wellbeing, while preserving it for future generations, is a major challenge faced by policy makers at federal, state, and municipal agencies.
Boomi offers unparalleled experience and expertise in providing efficient and cost-effective water, wastewater, and stormwater solutions for a variety of these challenges. Our “One Water” approach allows us to focus on developing innovative, reliable, and resilient water systems within the entire water cycle. We primarily offer the following service areas to holistically manage our water resources.
Planning Services
Hydrologic & Hydraulic (H&H) Modeling/Analysis
Water Quality/Hydrodynamic Modeling/Analysis
Integrated Watershed Management/TMDLs
Combined/Separate Sewer Overflow (CSO/SSO) Program Support
Stormwater Planning/Management
Green Infrastructure (GI) Planning/Management
Design Services
Facility Planning, Design, and Design Support During Construction (DSDC) for Water/Wastewater Infrastructure
Pump Station Concept and Detailed Design
Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) Components Design
Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Modeling/Analysis
Featured Projects
Find out more about the One Water Solutions we have offered in some of our recent projects here: